
Action Center

June 26, 2024 by Jeremy Arp
The following is a message from the Washington Department of Health. NASW-WA shares these notices as received. View this as a web pageRules WorkshopThe Department of Health is hosting a...
June 24, 2024 by Jeremy Arp
NASW-WA is sharing rules workshop notices as they are received: View this as a web pageRules WorkshopsOn April 18th, 2024, The Department of Health (department) filed a CR 101 under WSR...
May 24, 2024 by Jeremy Arp
NASW-WA continues to monitor the rulemaking processes that affect the social work profession. Please see the notice from the Washington Department of Health below regarding rulemaking activities in...
May 24, 2024 by Jeremy Arp
Please find the notice below from the Washington Department of Health regarding the listening sessions from 2024. View this as a web page2024 Listening Sessions – Recordings and Materials Posted...
February 17, 2024 by Jeremy Arp
The program for our 2024 NASW-WA Policy Conference is below, followed by resources for the event.  For pictures from the evet, click here.ProgramFor the in-person event at at United Churches of...
January 5, 2024 by Jeremy Arp
The 2024 NASW-WA Policy Conference is scheduled for Monday, February 19, 2024, in Olympia. The live, in-person event will be at United Churches of Olympia located at 110 11th Ave SE, Olympia, WA...
December 15, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
Save the Date: The Chapter's Legislative Action Committee (LAC) will host the 2024 NASW-WA Policy Conference on February 19, 2024. This year, we will offer an in-person opportunity to learn about the...
December 1, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
Save the Date: The Chapter's Legislative Action Committee (LAC) will host the 2024 NASW-WA Policy Conference on Monday, February 19, 2024 in Olympia. This year, we will offer an in-person...
October 2, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
The Chapter received notice of rulemaking related to the implementation of 2SHB 1724 which passed in during the 2023 legislative session. This relates to the Department of Health's mandate to create...
September 21, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
The Chapter received this message from the Washington Department of Health: View this as a web pageSign Up for Supervisor Directory!2SHB 1724, Section 7 created a new program, called the...
August 25, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
Below is more information from the Department of Health about HB 1724 recommendations and listening sessions. Please attend if you are able, or submit comments as instructed below. ###(View as a...
May 1, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
Washington's legislative session adjourned sine die on April 23, 2023. During the session, the Chapter was active in supporting two bills (SB 5354 and HB 1021) that proposed changes to social work...
April 17, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
SHB 1724 passed the Senate this past week. The Washington Chapter supported the bill as it left the House but we do not agree with the amendments in the Senate. We ask that social workers contact...
April 12, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
Please do not move SHB 1724 forward. The National Association of Social Workers – Washington Chapter supported the bill as it left the House. We have expressed serious concerns about the Senate...
April 1, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
NASW-WA Chapter supports efforts to address Washington's mental health crisis. Our association supported HB 1724 as it left the House, and the provisions aiming to decrease barriers to obtaining...
February 27, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
The following was released by NASW on Monday, February 27, 2023 regarding the development of the Social Work Licensure Compact. Although it may be too late to implement the Compact in Washington...
February 20, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
Thank you for attending the 2023 NASW-WA Policy Conference brought to you by the Chapter's Legislative Action Committee (LAC)! The LAC worked hard to bring social workers a ​meaningful...
February 16, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
This is a reminder to social workers and social work students to register in advance for the NASW-WA Policy Conference scheduled for Monday, February 20, 2023. We have two options to...
February 14, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
NASW released the statement below regarding the draft Social Work Licensure Compact. To find out more about NASW's work on the Compact, click here. February 14, 2023 Update on the Social...
January 20, 2023 by Jeremy Arp
HB 1021 (Aligning social worker licensing requirements.) was assigned to the House Committee on Postsecondary Education & Workforce and received a public hearing on January 13, 2023. On Friday,...
December 5, 2022 by Jeremy Arp
Planning is underway for our Policy Conference! The Legislative Action Committee is working to deliver a hybrid (virtual and in-person) opportunity for students and professionals to learn about the...
November 7, 2022 by Jeremy Arp
 NASW-WA reminds you to register to vote or update your voter registration.The deadline for the General Election is November 8th - Register to vote in person by 8 p.m. at your County Elections...
February 25, 2022 by Jeremy Arp
The video of the 2022 NASW-WA Policy Conference is now posted here. Captions should be processed soon. To view materials from the conference, click here. 
February 20, 2022 by Jeremy Arp
NASW-WA Legislative Priorities and Bill Tracking List2022 NASW-WA Legislative AgendaNASW-WA List of Selected Bills (bill tracking list) Policy Briefs Social Work Professional...
November 1, 2021 by Jeremy Arp
NASW Washington State Chapter includes our Legislative Action Committee (LAC). The LAC sets legislative priorities and assists the Chapter in carrying out legislative goals. Each year, the LAC hosts...