
Action Center

First Compact Commission Meeting: September 17th!
August 26, 2024 by Jeremy Arp

An interstate compact is a legal contract between two or more states/territories enabling practitioners (in this case, social workers) to practice in each other’s jurisdiction, once practitioners demonstrate they meet the compact requirements. The compact eliminates barriers to practice and increases access to care (especially in areas that are underserved, geographically isolated or lack specialty care) by increasing the efficiency of becoming licensed across state/territory lines. Currently, social workers must seek a separate license in each state/territory in which they wish to practice, which can be labor- and time-intensive. A compact creates a more efficient processing system, while also protecting public safety. Other benefits include:

Facilitating interstate/territory telemental health; 

Improving continuity of care when clients travel or relocate;

Encouraging cooperation among compact member states/territories in regulating the practice of social work; and 

Preserving and strengthening state licensure systems.

NASW and its chapters worked to pass legislation in 2023 and 2024. Washington passed the Compact in 2024 (Chapter 176, 2024 Laws). For more information about the compact, go to https://www.socialworkers.org/Advocacy/Interstate-Licensure-Compact-for-Social-Work

For a list of states that have passed Compact legislation for social workers, go to: https://swcompact.org/compact-map/

As established in the Compact legislation, the Commission is the governing body made up of the participating states who have joined the compact. The Commission is responsible for creating regulations that administer and govern the compact. The Commission’s delegates are representatives from each state’s licensing board.The Social Work Compact reached activation status in April 2024. The Compact Commission will convene for the first time in September 2024. After the initial meeting, the Commission will continue to adopt rules and bylaws to carry out the compact and determine the process for creating a shared data system among member states. The Commission hopes to begin taking applications in the Fall 2025. The first meeting of the Commission is scheduled for September 17th. For more information about this public meeting and how to attend, go to:  https://swcompact.org/meetings/full-commission-meetings/

Meetings of the Social Work Compact Commission are open to the public and require 30 days notice. Opportunity for public comment will be provided at each commission meeting. To provide written comments to the commission, please contact socialworkcompact@csg.org.

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