
Action Center

From DOH: CR103 Licensed Counselor Supervisor Directory
October 2, 2023 by Jeremy Arp

The Chapter received notice of rulemaking related to the implementation of 2SHB 1724 which passed in during the 2023 legislative session. This relates to the Department of Health's mandate to create a supervision directory. 

Read the notice below. 


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CR103 Licensed Counselor Supervisor Directory


The Department of Health (department) is implementing Section 7 of Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1724 (chapter 425, Laws of 2023) by emergency rule.

On September 28, 2023, the department filed a CR103 emergency rule package establishing a directory to help mental health counselor, marriage and family therapist, and social worker associates find supervisors and setting supervision standards.

These emergency rules: (1) establish a new program to facilitate placement of associates with qualified supervisors (referred to as the “directory”), (2) set requirements for individual providers and facilities to be listed in the directory, and (3) set minimum standards for supervision of associates.

The department is establishing the directory and supervision standards by emergency rule to meet the October 1, 2023, deadline set by 2SHB 1724. The department will refine the directory and supervision standards through the permanent rulemaking process.

Attachments: Licensed Counselor Directory CR103 Emergency Rule.pdf

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