February 25, 2025 by PVAction Force
We need your voice. As we gear up for this year's annual congressional testimony by PVA National President Robert Thomas on March 4th at 10 AM ET (Link to watch it here), we are looking for ways... November 26, 2024 by Lisa Elijah
A thank you is needed and well deserved to each of you who wrote to your Representatives to urge the swift passage of H.R. 8371, The Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and... October 30, 2024 by Lisa Elijah
Voting is an instrumental part of advocacy within our country. With a presidential election fast approaching, voting is more important than ever. Voting should be accessible to all; make sure you... August 6, 2024 by PVAction Force
August has finally come, and this month, Congress takes its annual recess. For grassroots advocates, however, this period is more than just a summer break; it’s an opportunity to amplify their voices... July 2, 2024 by PVAction Force
On June 17, Danica Gonzalves, PVA Senior Advocacy Attorney, test-rode an autonomous vehicle (AV) in Washington, DC. AVs are self-driven vehicles and are expanding to cities as a rideshare service... June 6, 2024 by PVAction Force
On May 16, the President signed the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 into law. The Reauthorization includes several PVA-supported provisions focused on addressing the experience of air travel... June 6, 2024 by PVAction Force
The VA recently issued guidance to strongly encourage mortgage servicers to implement a targeted moratorium on foreclosures and provide time to help veterans at risk of losing their homes to access a... May 7, 2024 by PVAction Force
The Department of Transportation (DOT) recently released a final rule that aims to make it easier for passengers to obtain refunds when airlines cancel or significantly change their flights,... April 18, 2024 by PVAction Force
On April 10, PVA testified before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee to discuss women veterans’ access to care. Several VA witnesses made up the first panel, including the Assistant Under... March 4, 2024 by PVAction Force
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut reached a settlement agreement with American Cruise Lines, Inc., to resolve complaints alleging the passenger vessels were not accessible... February 28, 2024 by Lisa Elijah
CALL TO ACTION: On March 6, 2024, at 10 a.m. ET, PVA National President Robert Thomas will testify about our 2024 public policy priorities before a joint session of the House and Senate Veterans'... February 20, 2024 by PVAction Force
After an eight-month delay, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee recently marked up its version of the FAA Reauthorization (S. 1939). As introduced, the bill includes several... February 2, 2024 by PVAction Force
Last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) included one important change for veterans. The change, promoted by Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), increases the threshold for “minor... February 2, 2024 by PVAction Force
We recently released Paralyzed Veterans of America’s 2024 legislative policy priorities. This year, we are continuing our efforts to push access forward for disabled veterans with the greatest... January 3, 2024 by PVAction Force
With 2023 coming to an end, we want to take some time to thank you for your amazing work and to highlight all that advocates have accomplished. Although it was a slow year in terms of passage of... December 21, 2023 by PVAction Force
At the beginning of December, the Committee on House Administration’s Modernization Subcommittee sent a letter to the Capitol Police, the Architect of the Capitol, and the House Sergeant at Arms... December 5, 2023 by PVAction Force
On November 29, the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs marked up several pieces of legislation, including the Justice for ALS Veterans Act (H.R. 3790)... November 7, 2023 by PVAction Force
On October 17, PVA’s Research and Education and Government Relations departments teamed up to host a webinar on the importance of people with lived experience serving as research advocates and the... October 31, 2023 by Heather Ansley
The Senate is currently deliberating a minibus package that would provide Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 funding for military construction and the VA, as well as the Agriculture, Transportation, and Housing... October 30, 2023 by Heather Ansley
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) launched a public awareness campaign with a short, informative video to educate air travelers with disabilities on their rights. Air passengers with... October 1, 2023 by PVAction Force
On September 28, 2023, PVA and three other disability organizations issued a joint statement in response to a settlement agreement between the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and... September 19, 2023 by PVAction Force
Amtrak held a hybrid public meeting on Wednesday, August 30, to discuss accessibility for riders with disabilities, focusing on their new long-distance trainsets. After the meeting, Amtrak... August 14, 2023 by Heather Ansley
On July 26, the Department of Transportation (DOT) released the long-awaited rule on accessible lavatories on larger single-aisle aircraft. The release of the final rule represents decades of... August 9, 2023 by PVAction Force
PVA Government Relations continued to push access forward as Washington sped toward the August recess. On July 11, Chief Policy Officer Heather Ansley joined Vice President Kamala Harris and... August 4, 2023 by PVAction Force
Congress has officially departed for its August recess, which traditionally is a 5+ week-long break from legislative activity that allows members of the House and Senate to reconnect with their... June 29, 2023 by PVAction Force
On June 14, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee unanimously passed H.R. 3935, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act. This legislation would reauthorize... May 5, 2023 by PVAction Force
The Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (ACAAA) is a much-needed addition to protecting the rights of disabled persons when traveling by air. The reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration... April 11, 2023 by Lisa Elijah
It has been a few months since I officially started my position as the new Grassroots advocacy Manger for Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to you... March 1, 2023 by Lisa Elijah
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) has been advocating for the VA health care and benefits our members need, as well as their civil rights as people with disabilities, since 1946. With the rise of... February 3, 2023 by Lisa Elijah
The 118th Congress is officially underway, and the House and Senate have a lot of work to do. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has long been a leader in providing specialized healthcare... October 29, 2022 by Morgan Brown
On October 1, the VA began expanding and extending eligibility for VA health care for certain veterans of the Vietnam era, Gulf War era, and Post-9/11 era under the Sergeant First Class Heath... October 24, 2022 by Susan Prokop
Every October, the U.S. marks National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) to highlight the value that people with disabilities bring to America’s workforce and its economy. The 2022 theme... September 30, 2022 by Lee Page, Senior Associate Advocacy Director
In honor of National Voter Registration Day, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced expanded opportunities for veterans who use certain VA facilities to register to vote. PVA members are... August 5, 2022 by Heather Ansley
It’s once again that time of year when Representatives and Senators leave Washington to spend August in their districts and states. Throughout August, we encourage you to take action on PVA policy... June 30, 2022 by Julie Howell, Associate Legislative Director
June is National PTSD Awareness month. We would like to highlight an important care option for veterans who need or may be seeking mental health counseling through the Department of Veterans Affairs... June 4, 2022 by Heather Ansley
PVA has been involved in the effort to improve access to air travel for over 40 years. Our advocacy was the impetus for passage of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) in 1986. This law prohibits... May 13, 2022 by Susan Prokop
PVA continues to press for greater employment opportunities for veterans with significant disabilities. Although the recent monthly national employment report showed the economy continuing to add... April 9, 2022 by Julie Howell
In Washington, we continue to advocate for legislation that will positively impact catastrophically disabled veterans and improve benefits for all our PVA members. Below we will discuss a few bills... December 24, 2021 by Heather Ansley
Thank you for your support of PVA's policy efforts throughout 2021. To learn more about the first session of the 117th Congress and hear about our plans for 2022, please listen to our latest... October 12, 2021 by Heather Ansley
PVA continues its advocacy to strengthen benefits for catastrophically disabled veterans as we ease into the final months of the first session of the 117th Congress. In late July, the House Veterans’... August 16, 2021 by Heather Ansley
It’s that time of the year when members of Congress head for the exits of Capitol Hill and return to their states and districts for the August recess. Throughout August, we will be promoting action... June 21, 2021 by Heather Ansley
As we near the July 4th holiday, we would like to take a moment to update you on the progress made during the first part of this year on PVA's priorities. Our priorities for 2021 include improving...