
Action Center

Paralyzed Veterans of America 2023 Legislative Campaign
February 3, 2023 by Lisa Elijah

The 118th Congress is officially underway, and the House and Senate have a lot of work to do. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has long been a leader in providing specialized healthcare services and long-term care for veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders. Paralyzed Veterans of America’s (PVA) 2023 legislative priorities are aimed at not only protecting access to these specialized services, but also increasing access where needed. We also support priorities that will ensure veterans with significant disabilities have equitable access to the same opportunities as other Americans. 

We are proud of the progress made in the 117th Congress. Through your support, PVA was able to help pass H.R. 4794/S. 2533 MAMMO Act, which requires the VA to implement and improve breast imaging services for veterans. Additionally, H.R. 7939, the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act, became law and allows the VA to provide an additional automobile allowance to certain eligible veterans. The passage of these bills was a step in the right direction for supporting our nation's veterans and we hope to continue the same momentum through 2023. 

Our 2023 policy priorities focus on increasing funding for veteran health care, modernizing VA facilities, and improving access to opportunities and freedoms available to all Americans. These efforts will help protect veterans’ access to the specialized health care services they need, while also expanding their access to VA long-term care, including home and community-based services. Congress must also take a hard look at how it can better protect the civil rights of individuals with disabilities. This includes ensuring an improvement in how air travel is handled for people with disabilities, particularly wheelchair users, by reforming the Air Carrier Access Act to add standards for aircraft accessibility and improving enforcement of the law. 

An exhaustive list with more detailed goals is outlined in our 2023 policy priorities. By creating legislation from our 2023 legislative priorities, Congress can ensure that our nation's veterans receive the support they deserve. 

If you are passionate about a specific issue, make sure to reach out to your legislators in PVAction Force through our campaign and add your own story to share how much it means to you. Also, check out the full list of legislation of interest to PVA and our stance on each bill.

PVA is dedicated to improving the lives of veterans with disabilities and their families. We hope to make a lasting impact on the lives of our members. This call to action is an opportunity for us all to help be of service, and it is a chance for us to join together and make sure that our government is doing all it can. We must ensure that our legislators are working toward legislation that will benefit our nation's veterans, so that they can live their lives with dignity, respect, and independence. Hearing directly from you helps legislators understand what is important to their constituents, and holds an immense amount of power over how they lend their support. Join us to make our goals a reality. 

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