Advocacy Center
Tools and Resources
March 18, 2024 by Meals on Wheels America

We make the biggest difference when we work together to advocate for Meals on Wheels programs and the individuals and communities you serve. We have created tools and resources to help you be an effective advocate for your local program and the national Meals on Wheels network – whether you are speaking out on social media or talking to your elected officials about why federal funding is so important.

ADVOCACY AGENDA: Our advocacy priorities are based on your input of the issues that matter most to your programs. We hope you will use this Advocacy Agenda as key messages for meetings or events, in media interviews and/or as a handout for elected officials throughout the year. We look forward to working together to achieve these goals and more in 2024! 

OLDER AMERICANS ACT RESOURCES: The Older Americans Act is the primary federal legislation supporting community-based social and nutrition services for adults age 60 and older, as well as their families and caregivers. The resources in this section include background papers, fact sheets, including information on social isolation and medically tailored meals, regulatory updates, our current OAA priorities and more. 

APPROPRIATIONS RESOURCES: The nationwide network of 5,000 senior nutrition programs relies on federal funding through the OAA and other sources to operate. Nationally, about 40% of the cost to provide nutritious meals, safety checks and friendly visits to millions of seniors each year comes from the OAA. The remaining 60% comes from state and/or local sources, private donations from foundations, corporations and individuals, and federal block grants. The resources in this section include details for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations testimony, such as testimony, table, an email template to urge Congress urging increased funding, and more.

FARM BILL & SNAP RESOURCES: Up for reauthorization about every five years and again in 2024, the Farm Bill is an essential piece of federal legislation that covers agricultural commodities, conservation, nutrition, rural development, and much more. Policy changes through the Farm Bill and other legislation to protect and improve federal nutrition programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), among others administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and important to Meals on Wheels and older adults. The resources in this section include background papers, testimony, legislative updates and more.

ADVOCACY ENGAGEMENT RESOURCES: The tools and resources in this section are designed to support your own advocacy by inviting to host your Members of Congress, speaking to community leaders, connecting with media outlets, raising awareness and more.

SOCIAL MEDIA RESOURCES: One of the easiest ways to advocate for Meals on Wheels and the seniors you serve is through social media. The resources in this section include social media images, best practices, template messages and more to help make your voices heard!




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