Advocacy Center
Older Americans Act (OAA) Funding: Federal Budget and Appropriations
April 3, 2024 by Meals on Wheels America


The appropriations process for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 was completed on March 23, 2024, when the President signed the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (P.L. 118-47) into law. This bipartisan spending agreement for six of the twelve FY 2024 appropriations bills included $1,058,684,000 in funding for the Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Program through the annual Labor-Health and Human Service-Education (Labor-HHS-Education) bill. This total level of funding is an over $8 million (or nearly 1%) decrease from the previously enacted levels in FY 2023 and $225 million below our $1.284 billion request for FY 2024. 

Federal funding for the six additional FY 2024 appropriations bills was enacted on March 9 through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (P.L.118-42). This first FY 2024 funding agreement included funding and block grants for other nutrition programs and services that support older adults through the Agriculture and Transportation-Housing and Urban Development (HUD) appropriations bills. 

You can refer to various enacted funding levels for the OAA and other federal aging and nutrition programs in the table here.


Fiscal Year 2025 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025)

The budget and appropriations process for the upcoming fiscal year began on March 11, when the White House sent the President’s FY 2025 Budget request to Congress. The proposal requests a total level of $1,149,453,000 for the Title III Nutrition Program in FY 2025. For more context this is an $83 million (8%) increase above FY 2023 levels and a $134.932 million (10.51%) decrease from the $1,284,385,000 requested in FY 2024. 

Though Congress is ultimately responsible for determining funding for the federal government through their 12 annual appropriations bills, the President’s budget is an opportunity for the White House to message its policy priorities and how it would like to see taxpayer dollars spent. As we’ve seen in recent years, the President’s requested funding levels can differ greatly from those proposed in the appropriations bills put forth by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, as well as those that eventually become law.

In Congress, the appropriations process for FY 2025 is still in the early stages. Congressional offices have been collecting and reviewing funding requests from constituents and organizations that advocate for federally funded and supported services and programs, like Meals on Wheels. 

As a top Advocacy priority for Meals on Wheels America, we intend to advocate for sufficient levels for programs that provide funding to local Meals on Wheels programs. We will keep you informed about developments in the FY 2025 budget and appropriations process and ways for you to get involved.


Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) and Earmarks

As the FY 2025 appropriations ramps up, we also encourage you to ask your Members of Congress and their staff about their congressionally directed spending (CDS) or “earmarks” process during your meetings and events. CDS grants go directly to nonprofits and can contribute additional support for your programs. Learn more about this process and projects that have received direct funding, including some local Meals on Wheels programs and Area Agencies on Aging.


Email the Advocacy Team at: for more resources if interested.




For more appropriations information and background, please visit our Tools and Resources page here

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