
Action Center

Washington Update - August 2023
August 1, 2023 by Catherine Majewski
  • Star Grassroots Advocates
    • PAEA held the Association’s inaugural Policy Summit from July 10-12. The Policy Summit, which brought together faculty and students from more than 20 different PA programs across the country, sent attendees to Capitol Hill to advocate for the Health Center Service Expansion and Provider Shortage Reduction Act in the House and the Restoring America’s Health Care Workforce and Readiness Act in the Senate. The event resulted in dozens of congressional meetings that will generate additional cosponsors for the bills in addition to putting the expiration of the NHSC’s mandatory authorization on the radar of elected officials representing PAEA’s grassroots advocates. Special thanks to all PA students and faculty members who participated!
  • Advancing PAEA’s Advocacy Agenda
    • In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling to broadly prohibit the use of race-conscious admissions policies in higher education, the leaders of the Cross-Orgs (PAEA, AAPA, ARC-PA, and NCCPA) released a statement condemning the decision on July 7. The statement also called upon policymakers, educational institutions, and the public to unite in reaffirming their commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion in PA education.
    • On July 12, PAEA along with other National Health Service Corps (NHSC) stakeholders submitted a letter to leaders of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to express concern over the upcoming expiration of mandatory funding for the NHSC and urge reauthorization of and further investment in the program through the Restoring America’s Health Care Workforce and Readiness Act.
  • Health Care News in Washington
    • On July 13, the House Appropriations Committee released the FY 24 bill for the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee. Following this, on July 27, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed their Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies FY 24 appropriations bill. PAEA was pleased to see the Senate Appropriations Committee’s commitment to preserving our priority Title VII programs as well as increased investment in the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP). 
    • On July 19, Senate HELP Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders released the Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act. The bill includes a five-year reauthorization of the National Health Service Corps at levels sufficient to fund all eligible applicants as well as significant new investments in clinical sites and faculty development.
  • Opportunities for Action
    • At a time when workforce shortages continue to impact the health care landscape in rural and underserved areas, programs like the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) must be supported and protected. However, with a lapse in mandatory funding for the NHSC looming in September 2023, this valuable provider recruitment tool faces a funding cliff that has the potential to reduce access to care. Please reach out to your representatives today in support of a long-term extension of the NHSC as proposed in the bipartisan Restoring America’s Health Care Workforce and Readiness Act.
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