At a time when workforce shortages continue to impact the health care landscape in rural and underserved areas, programs like the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) must be supported and protected. However, with a lapse in mandatory funding for the NHSC looming, this valuable provider recruitment tool faces a funding cliff that has the potential to reduce access to care. That is why we are asking you to reach out to your representatives today in support of a legislative solution that extends mandatory funding for all qualified NHSC applicants.
The NHSC supports the training of nearly 900 PA students in exchange for a practice commitment in a health professional shortage area. With mandatory NHSC funding set to expire on March 31, it is critical that Congress enact a funding level that reflects the reality of workforce shortages in communities throughout the United States.
As we face the impending expiration of the NHSC's mandatory authorization, we need your help to fight for solutions that safeguard against growing workforce shortages. Please contact your representatives today to urge them to preserve the current NHSC pipeline and field strength through a robust mandatory funding level.