Action Center
VoterVoice Privacy Policy Highlights
Why do we collect this?
Your address determines your legislator(s). Your name, company, and email tell the recipient of your message who sent it.
Information Collected
We collect information provided by you, the user, for the purpose of matching you to your elected officials and making such information available to the organization leasing our system, Georgia Association of Convenience Stores, and to any person with whom you choose to communicate.
Information Shared
We will share information that you provide only with Georgia Association of Convenience Stores and the people with whom you choose to communicate. We will never share your information with any person other than Georgia Association of Convenience Stores and people to whom you send a message. The Georgia Association of Convenience Stores's name and contact information can be found on each page of this site.
For more information on cookies, security, and use of data, see the full privacy policy here. If you feel that VoterVoice, a FiscalNote Company is not following its stated privacy policies, please contact us.
© 2025 VoterVoice, a FiscalNote Company

In 1973, convenience store operators united together in to create The Georgia Association of Convenience Stores, Inc. (GACS). Sunday Blue Laws convinced operators and owners across the state to create a much stronger united voice at the State Capitol. Today, advocacy is still the primary function for GACS. GACS staff monitors legislation daily during the Georgia General Assembly (January-April) and reports changes to the membership on a regular basis.

Year round, we monitor all State of Emergency events, and work with regulatory agencies to keep members abreast of changes affecting their bottom line. ​We're proud to be the foremost source for convenience store information in Georgia.

168 North Johnston Street, Suite 209 | Dallas, Georgia 30132

Phone: (770) 736-9723 |