Vietnam Veterans of America

The True Cost of our Promise to Toxic-Exposed Veterans
January 21, 2022 by House Veterans Affairs Committee

House Veterans Affairs Committee

Chairman, Mark Takano

On January 19, Vietnam Veterans of America along with other VSO participated in the  House Veterans Affairs Committee  roundtable entitled, "The True Cost of our Promise to Toxic-Exposed Veterans."

Toxic Exposure legislation is expected to be sent to the House Floor, expanding legislation for veterans  exposed to environmental hazards during their military service. The bill is H.R. 3967, Honor Our PACT bill, which VVA fully supports.  Then, when passed into law, it would establish a presumption of service connection for more than 23 respiratory illnesses and cancers largely shown to be connected to toxic exposures. 

Watch the roundtable at The House Comm ittee on Veterans' Affairs


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