We’re down to the wire. Good Samaritan legislation for abandoned mine cleanups is scheduled to be considered in the House of Representatives next week—and it’s time to make our voices heard.
Abandoned mines across the U.S. continue to pollute our lands and waters, threatening coldwater streams and the trout they support. Good Samaritans like Trout Unlimited and state agencies are ready to step up and clean these sites, but outdated laws expose them to legal liability for pollution they didn’t cause. This legislation will help change that—and it has already passed the Senate unanimously.
Now, the House must act. And we need you to speak up one last time.
Even if you’ve sent a message in the past, your members of Congress need to hear from us again before the House considers this bill. Every message and every vote matters. Please ask your representative to support this vital legislation to clean up toxic hardrock mining waste.
This is our best chance in decades to increase the pace of abandoned mine cleanups and protect the rivers and streams that need us most.