Society for Vascular Surgery

Urge Congress to Pass H.R. 879 & Reverse Physician Payment Cuts!
Recently, Reps. Greg Murphy, MD (R-NC) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), along with a bipartisan group of legislators, re-introduced the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act (H.R. 879). If enacted, this legislation would, effective April 1, prospectively cancel the 2.83% payment cut that went into effect on January 1, while also providing a 2% payment update, helping to stabilize physician practices and protect patients' access to care.

Over the past two decades, Medicare payment rates have fallen by 33%, when adjusted for the cost of running a practice, leaving physicians struggling to figure out how they can continue to provide needed care to their elderly and chronically ill patients.

Please take a moment to contact your representatives today and urge them to cosponsor The Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act (H.R. 879)!

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