On February 3, congressional leaders reintroduced legislation to provide for Medicare coverage of multi-cancer early detection screening tests (S.339/H.R.842). Many cancers - including ovarian cancer - are diagnosed in later stages when treatment options are limited and outcomes are worse. New diagnostic technology is beginning to emerge that has the potential to identify cancer signals earlier. When these diagnostics gain FDA approval, it is critical that Congress ensures that our most vulnerable populations are able to gain access.Last year, your advocacy helped make this legislation one of the most cosponsored bills in the House and Senate and nearly passed this legislation at the end of the session, but a deal to pass this and a series of additional health-related measures broke down at the last minute. So now, we have to push even harder to get this bill past the final hurdle.
Congress should take action today to pass S.339/H.R.842. Please contact your members of Congress today to urge them to pass this important legislation.