New Jersey Right to Life

Update on S3452/A4601, Abortion Expansion Bill
Action Alert

6/30/24 Update:  Both the Senate and Assembly passed versions of this bill, but they are not identical.   Legislative leaders are expected to schedule a legislative session this summer to merge the two bills and

pass them again in both Houses. We will update this page as information is obtained.  The article below explains what happened.  

Bill scrapping cost-sharing for abortion, family planning services fails to reach governor's desk
By Daniel Han | 06/28/2024 08:58 PM EDT 

The state Assembly and Senate on Friday passed legislation that would scrap cost-sharing for abortions and a variety of family planning services on state-regulated health plans.

But the bills won’t make it to the governor’s desk before the summer break.

Details: That’s because the two bills, while similar in substance, have some key differences. The Senate version of the bill, S3452, for example, includes measures that prohibit medical malpractice liability insurers from penalizing policyholders or scaling back coverage on the grounds of reproductive rights procedures that are illegal in other states. That was not included in an Assembly bill that also scraps cost-sharing for abortions and family planning services, A4654.

“Two different versions were voted on,” Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz told POLITICO. “The Assembly had a different version. I suspect over the summer we’ll get our heads together and figure out what the next steps are.”

Senate President Nick Scutari said that he “thought there was an agreement on the amendments, but apparently there’s not."

Background: Scrapping cost-sharing for abortions on state-regulated health plans has long been a goal for Gov. Phil Murphy. Ruiz and Scutari announced this month that they wanted to get such a bill to the governor’s desk, making it appear that it would finally advance.

It is unclear what the extent of disagreement there is between both chambers. A spokesperson for the Assembly Democrats declined to comment.

Ruiz previously said that amendments to exempt family planning services from cost-sharing were sought by the Assembly.

The bills would allow cost-sharing if the abortion or family planning services come from an out-of-network provider.


6/25/24 Update: The Senate Budget Committee passed the bill with amendments on 6/24/24.  


Governor Murphy and Abortion groups have been pushing to pass this bill before summer.   

Bill S3452 was introduced on June 17, 2024.   The sponsors of S3452 are Senator Teresa Ruiz (D-29) and Senate President Nicholas Scutari (D-22).  


As we have experienced with all pro-abortion legislation that the Democratic leadership has pushed, NJ Citizens will once again be deprived of their right to be informed and adequately express their views on this legislation.   That is because the sponsors know it is unpopular and want to pass it post-haste.  They intend to schedule it for a hearing and pass it within the next two weeks. 

You can read their Press Release HERE

Pro-Abortion Groups are calling this legislation the Reproductive Equity Act.

The bill will do the following:














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