Maryland Right to Life
Pro-Life Bills Deserve Support

Most pro-life bills are scheduled to be heard on February 27th at 1:00 pm before the House Health and Government Operations Committee.  

All are welcome to come to the House building in Annapolis to gather peacefully in support and prayer.  Photo ID required.

We also ask you to submit online FAVORABLE WRITTEN ONLY testimony on these bills on February 25th before 6pm.  

For instructions on submitting testimony online, complete this Take Action and then visit .


Year after year in Maryland, pro-life bills are sponsored and presented with expert legal and medical testimony.  They are heard almost exclusively by the Health & Government Operations Committee, now chaired by Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk. Each year the HGO Chair has denied a committee vote on all pro-life bills, ensuring their demise. There is a demonstrable pattern of discrimination over many years. This deprives pro-life Marylanders due process and equal protection under the law and perpetuates a culture of death through abortion in our state.  It also allows pro-abortion lawmakers to evade any voting record on life.

Maryland Right to Life strongly urges the members of the Health & Government Operations Committee to do the right thing and give pro-life bills the consideration they deserve. Please contact committee members and your state legislators to request a VOTE on pro-life bills including the following:

HB108 Public Health - Abortion (Heartbeat Bill) .  Prohibits induced abortions when a fetal human being's heartbeat is detectable.  Sponsor, Delegate Ric Metzgar 

HB0373 Health - Abortion Data - Submission to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Requires standard abortion metrics to be reported to the CDC to measure impact of abortion on Maryland women and families. Sponsor, Delegate Robin Grammer

HB1271 Abortion - Health -  Abortion - Ultrasound and Wait Period.  Protects women and children by requiring informed consent and viewing of ultrasound prior to abortion. Sponsor, Delegate Barrie Ciliberti

*HB1357/SB965 Public Health - Reproductive Health Care Data - Report.  Requires all state departments to provide an annual report of funding for abortion organizations and providers to the Maryland General Assembly. Sponsors, Delegate Teresa Reilly, Senator Marybeth Carozza.  (Senate Bill SB965 Hearing March 6, 1:00 pm. Submit FAVORABLE WRITTEN testimony to FINANCE Committee March 4 before 6:00 pm.) 

*HB1186/SB933  Criminal Law - Causing Ingestion of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Prohibition (Women's Freedom From Coercion Act)  Protects women and children by creating criminal penalties for any individual causing a pregnant woman to ingest abortion drugs through force or without her knowledge or consent.  Sponsors, Delegate April Miller, Senator Marybeth Carozza.  (House Bill HB1186 Hearing, March 6, 1:00 pm.   Submit FAVORABLE WRITTEN testimony to JUDICIARY Committee March 4 before 6:00 pm.) (Senate Bill SB933 Hearing, February 26, 1:00pm.  SUBMIT FAVORABLE WRITTEN testimony to JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Committee, February 24 before 6:00 pm.)

* Bills requested by Maryland Right to Life.

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