As a credit union employee and member-owner, I urge you to stand with the 140 million credit union members nationwide and protect the tax-exempt status of credit unions. Credit unions like mine provide essential financial services to individuals and families, especially those of modest means. We are member-owned, volunteer-directed, and not-for-profit institutions. Because of this unique structure, we are able to offer competitive returns on savings, low to no fees, and reduced loan rates, making a tangible difference in the lives of our members.
However, for-profit banks continue to push for the taxation of credit unions, which would put these benefits at risk. Taxing credit unions would amount to nothing more than a new tax on families like mine. While credit unions hold only 8.8% of assets in the financial industry, banks—who control over 90% of the market—continue to push for legislation that would undermine the very competition that benefits consumers.
I urge you to reject these calls to tax credit unions and stand up for the communities that rely on us. Taxing credit unions would only hurt working families and weaken the financial resources that so many Americans rely on. Please protect the tax-exempt status of credit unions and ensure we can continue to be a strong financial partner for communities across America.