The Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality & Innovation

Therapy Patients: Ask Your Member of Congress to Help Prevent Harmful Senior Falls
Falls are the #1 cause of injury in people over 65. Fortunately, your physical or occupational therapist has the training and expertise to identify ways to reduce your chances of injury by providing you with a falls risk assessment. Avoiding these terrible injuries can keep you out of the emergency room or hospital and thus decrease the likelihood that you will need to be prescribed potentially dangerous opioids.

Medicare patients should be able to receive a no-cost falls risk assessment by a trained falls expert. With passage of new legislation, they can!

Representatives Carol Miller and Melanie Stansbury have introduced the Stopping Addiction and Falls for the Elderly (SAFE) Act (H.R. 7618). If passed, the bill would provide Medicare beneficiaries who have fallen in the past year an annual falls risk assessment by a physical or occupational therapist at no cost to them. 

Please urge your House Representative to become a co-sponsor of this important legislation!

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