As physical therapy advocates, we must act now. Call your Representative ASAP and urge them to include legislative language to reverse the payment cuts that occurred on January 1. Go to and enter your ZIP code to find the number for your representative's DC office and use the sample script to guide your call. Be sure to explain how these cuts affect your patients, your business, and your community:
Sample Phone Script
My name is (YOUR NAME) and I live in (YOUR CITY). As a constituent and a health care provider, I am deeply concerned that the 2.8% Medicare provider cut that occurred on January 1 is not addressed in the House continuing resolution legislative package. I ask you to vote No on the continuing resolution unless a reversal of the Medicare provider cuts is included.
Physical therapy clinics are at the breaking point after five years of reduced reimbursement and not receiving an inflationary update during this period. Medicare beneficiaries' access to care diminishes each year this continues.
This is a critical time for the House of Representatives to advocate for reversing payment cuts to Medicare providers to maintain access to care for our patients and keep our clinics open.
Thank you for your for your consideration.
What to Expect When You Call:
A vote by the full U.S. House could come as early as Monday night, so please take a few minutes right now to make your call. You are encouraged to ask others to call their legislators, too.
Thank you for taking action!