HB 386 by Rep. Danny Garrett, R-Trussville, would reduce the state sales tax on groceries from 3% to 2% beginning on Sept. 1, 2025. The House voted 103-0 for the bill on March 18, and the Senate could vote on it as soon as early April. The time to show your support is now!
Email your state senator today and ask them to vote YES on HB 386 to reduce the state grocery tax.
Alabama’s grocery tax is a cruel, regressive tax on survival, and it drives many struggling families deeper into poverty. Reducing the state grocery tax from 4% to 3% in 2023 was an important step toward tax justice in our state. Now it’s time to seize an opportunity to build on that momentum.
HB 386 would make it easier for people across Alabama to make ends meet. Reducing the state grocery tax by 1 percentage point would save an average family of four about $125 to $150 per year. And it would be important continued progress toward Arise’s ultimate goal of ending the grocery tax entirely.
Please take a moment today to urge your state senator to vote YES on HB 386.