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Call to Action - NC House Bill 1035 Support Students with Disabilities Act
A percentage of students with disabilities have complex needs that require extensive and highly sophisticated supports, sometimes only available through specialized placements. These supports and placements can be extremely expensive, which makes it difficult for schools to provide them. Without these critical supports, these children are often unable to access their education, or even their school buildings, due to restrictive practices such as frequently being sent home early and shortened day or home-bound placements. Being unable to access school would be devastating for any child and their family, but it is exceptionally devastating for these children who require the most support. The Support Students with Disabilities Act (HB1035) would create a program to assist school districts with funding the supports and services children with complex needs deserve/require. 

Therefore, we are asking you to reach out to your state representatives on the House Education K-12 Committee:  https://www.ncleg.gov/Legislation/Bills/Conferees/2023/H259

Please ask that they support HB1035, briefly explaining why it is so important to you, your child, and your family. This is an issue that affects children and families across the state. 

Please share with your network to help garner support. 

Thank you in advance for your efforts on this! We are so close to getting this legislation passed, which would be life-changing for so many children and families! 


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