Tell Congress to Cosponsor H.R. 879 & Reverse Medicare Cuts

Congress failed to address Medicare reimbursement in the end-of-year spending package, leading to another year of payment cuts – this time a 2.83% decrease. Over the last decade, Medicare rates have dropped 33%, when adjusted for the cost of running a practice, making it difficult for physicians to sustain their practices and provide care.  

A bipartisan bill, U.S. H.R. 879, the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act, would reverse the 2.83% cut and provide a 2% inflationary update for the remainder of 2025. This legislation is essential to ensuring fair reimbursement for physicians and protecting patients’ access to care.  

Physicians and patients cannot afford further inaction.  

Contact your representatives now and urge them to cosponsor the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act of 2025 

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