Understanding California's Proposition 35 and Why Voting Matters for Healthcare
September 26, 2024 by Megan Boyd

California’s healthcare system is facing significant challenges, including hospital closures, overcrowded emergency departments, and underfunding for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program that serves 15 million residents. Proposition 35, appearing on the November 5, 2024, ballot, proposes extending an existing tax on managed care organizations (MCOs) to maintain funding for healthcare services without increasing taxes on individuals.  

If passed, Prop 35 would direct additional revenue to increase reimbursement rates for physicians and support emergency care, labor and delivery services, and community health clinics. This would help stabilize Medi-Cal funding and address some of the current issues facing healthcare providers and facilities in California. Whether you are a physician, healthcare leader, or industry professional, staying informed about issues like Prop 35 and voting in this election is a powerful way to ensure your voice is heard. 

Voting down the ballot is incredibly important. While the presidential election often dominates the headlines, state and local elections, along with ballot measures like Prop 35 directly impact healthcare policy. Make sure you check your ballot, stay informed, and vote on November 5. For additional information, tune in to our latest episode of Zotec Answers and visit our Election Center to check your voter registration, learn about your ballot, and find your polling place. For additional information on Prop 35, visit their website.  

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