The Future of Medicare Physician Reimbursement is in Your Hands
February 22, 2024 by Megan Boyd

In 2023, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved a 3.4% cut to Medicare physician payment that went into effect January 1, 2024. Congress now has until March 8, 2024, to avert a government shutdown and fund programs for the coming year. If this cut is left in place, patient access to care will be at risk. 

Medicare-participating physicians do not receive inflationary updates in the Medicare program, so eliminating this cut is crucial to maintaining patients’ access to care. Further inaction is not an option anymore; access to care is in danger. 

You can Take Action Now by contacting your members of Congress today and demand that they reverse the 3.4% cut as part of the upcoming 2024 appropriations package. 

For more information on this topic, listen to the latest Zotec Answers podcast with Mark Isenberg, where he delves into the status of the looming government shutdown and what may be on the horizon for Medicare physician reimbursement rates.

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