Legislative Priorities for Week 5

Thank you to all who have been taking action these past few weeks! We have had some successes and, of course, have additional opportunities for action in Week 5 of the legislative session:

HB 1677: Concerning access at public post-secondary educational institutions to medication abortion.This bill declares abortion a human right and mandates access to abortion pills at all public universities and colleges. It will be heard in a public hearing on Feb. 18 at 1:30 and is scheduled for a committee vote the next day. Please sign in Con or submit written testimony before noon on Feb.18. By declaring a right to abort life, all rights of the little person developing inside are denied. Pregnant women deserve better than to be handed pills to end life within them. 

HB 1876 Concerning the requirements for accessing the Washington death with dignity act. This bill was scheduled for a committee hearing on Friday, Feb. 14 and a committee vote by Feb. 21. The bill further erodes any safeguards in Washington's assisted suicide machine by eliminating the 7-day waiting period for individuals who a practitioner (not necessarily an expert in the person's illness) determines is not expected to survive for seven days; is not expected to retain the ability to self-administer the suicide pills for seven days; or is experiencing "irremediable pain or suffering." Irremediable pain or suffering is likely to be due to a practitioner's lack of knowledge about pain management. If a patient is suffering from unbearable pain, the doctor should be working with a specialist, not encouraging the patient to end their life. Please contact your Representatives and ask them to vote No on this bill.

SB 5375 Concerning the duty of clergy to report child abuse and neglect. This bill heads to the Senate floor for full debate. Despite ample evidence that mandating clergy reporting without exception has no positive impacts on curtailing child sexual abuse, the bill maintains the attorney-client privilege while denying the First Amendment rights of clergy and parishioners. Please contact your Senator and ask them to vote No on the bill unless it its amended. Our clergy are mandatory reporters on 99% of the church property and 99% of their time. We simply ask for the confessional to be exempt during the Sacrament of Confession. 

SB 5380 Increasing environmental justice by improving governmental decisions. Across Washington state, communities of color and Indigenous peoples carry the greatest burden when it comes to environmental pollution, affecting their health, well-being, and life expectancy. This bill requires that the Department of Ecology monitor pollutants that impact health and deny permits for projects which will add to the cumulative environmental effects on overburdened communities. The bill will be heard in the Senate Energy, Environment and Technology Committee on Feb. 21 at 10:30, please sign in Pro or submit written testimony before 9:30 AM that day.


SB 5104 Protecting employees from coercion in the workplace based on immigration status. Thank you to the many of you who reached out to your Senators in support of this bill. It passed the Senate and now moves to the House for further action.

HB 1140 Establishing empowerED scholarships using educational savings accounts. We asked you to contact the Senate committee to at least have a public hearing on this bill, and you succeeded! The hearing on Feb. 6 included over 2,700 people who signed in pro compared to less than 1,700 against. Now we need to ask the Education Committee members to vote HB 1140 to the floor for a full debate. Please call any or all of the committee members listed below and urge them to add the bill to an executive session and vote it out favorably.

Federal Advocacy

Take Action to Save Lives Today!

USAID – the United States Agency for International Development – has come under scrutiny and is currently suspending operations and disbursement of funds in its work around the world.  What you may not know is that Catholic Relief Services – the official overseas relief and development agency of the U.S. Catholic Bishops – is one of the largest (if not THE largest) single contractor with USAID to distribute humanitarian assistance.  CRS has asked all of us to contact our Members of Congress on their behalf.

CRS works with USAID because 1) the Catholic Church is on the ground all over the world, in almost every country, with an existing local presence and infrastructure, integrated into the local community, and 2) generous Catholics in the U.S. add private dollars to CRS’ budget, which means that local organizations (like a small diocese in Guatemala, a community of women religious in Kenya, or a bishop’s office in India) can stretch the USAID resources to reach into more remote and a greater number of places, impacting even more lives, scaling up the effect of USAID funds.  By working with the local bishop in these countries, CRS comes alongside the local church infrastructure (schools, hospitals and clinics, charities, etc.).  We don’t have to pay for new office space – we work with the local Caritas agency to support its work.  

To be clear, CRS is wholly-owned by and accountable to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.  CRS is a non-profit 501c3 and is subject to regular audits to ensure accountable and transparent use of funds for the intended purposes. CRS’ work impacts hunger and nutrition, agriculture and water systems, sanitation, disaster relief, maternal and child health, orphans and vulnerable children, savings and internal lending communities, and more. CRS serves people of all faiths and those of no faith, regardless.  

Ask Congress to engage with the Trump administration to lift the stop work order and to allow aid funds to flow.  At the risk of hyperbole, lives are at stake.  

Personalize and send your message HERE.

Good News from Around the State:

Bishop Joseph Tyson Keynote at the National Catholic Social Ministry Gathering

Image from USCCB

Washington state's very own Bishop Joseph Tyson, Diocese of Yakima, provided a keynote at the 2025 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, D.C. Bishop Tyson shared a message of inspiration and hope based on his experience leading the Catholic population in Central Washington. Bishop Tyson looked through the lens of Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti to address how Catholics are called to care for our common home—especially when the divisive landscape and polarization threaten to drown out our calls for hope, healing, and renewal. Read Bishop Tyson's inspiring keynote HERE.

Upcoming Events

March 3

How is Partners in the Gospel impacting parish family life?

All are welcome to this presentation to hear from Fr. Gary Lazzeroni on how Partners in the Gospel is impacting parish family life and other Partners in the Gospel frequently asked questions. Father Gary Lazzeroni is Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Seattle.

Monday, March 3
9 – 10 am
Virtual event
Please Register here

March 5

Day of Prayer “Ash Wednesday: Return to Jesus”

Fr. David Anderson, SJ

March 5, 2025, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Please register in advance: (509) 448-1224 or visit www.ihrc.net

$46 per person or ($56 with room). Lunch included.

Immaculate Heart Retreat Center 6910 South Ben Burr Road Spokane, WA, 99223

Let Us Pray

Prayer for Civic Leaders


God our Father, 
You guide everything in wisdom and love.
Accept the prayers we offer for our nation.
In your goodness,
watch over those in authority
so that people everywhere
may enjoy freedom, security and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, 371

WSCC staff

We invite you to contact us at any time.

Jean Welch Hill, Executive Director


Tracey Wilson Yackley, Operations Manager 


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Click here to view previous WSCC bulletins on our website.