Respect Life Month

October is Respect Life Month! Catholic teaching on respect for all life is deep, abiding and consistent in its protection of the dignity and sanctity of every human life from conception to natural death. As ballots begin arriving, our understanding of Catholic teaching on respect for all life is critically important.

While secular media focuses on Catholic support for the unborn, our respect for life is not limited to one issue, one solution, or one stage of life. Catholic doctrine requires that we protect every life from whatever threatens it, whether it is abortion, malnutrition that prevents a person from thriving, racial or other discrimination that impacts access to resources or creates fear of physical or other harm, extreme poverty or violence that forces people to migrate from their home countries, medical interventions such as assisted suicide, barbaric punishments such as the death penalty, nuclear war, torture, gun violence, and threats to the natural environment which sustains all life. 

Catholics in Washington state face many important choices that will impact human life this election season. As Pope Francis recently reminded us, our Church does not tell us how to vote. Rather, it asks us to spend time in prayerful discernment, informed by our social doctrine, as we each make our ballot selections. It isn’t easy to vote Catholic. But with our strong and consistent ethic of life and centuries of service to the poor and vulnerable, we bring much needed perspective to the table. As we enter the final weeks of the election, the WSCC encourages Catholic voters to visit for resources to aid you in your prayerful preparation before you exercise your right to vote.

We also encourage Catholics to review the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' resources for Respect Life Month to assist us in understanding and valuing the gift of human life and engaging in the building of a culture that cherishes every human life. Visit

Spotlight: Praying Like a Faithful Citizen

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) publishes Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, which speaks to our political responsibilities as Catholics. Faithful voting must be grounded in prayer. To assist you in the discernment process before casting your vote, this month, we spotlight tips for praying like a faithful citizen.

Our Initiative Recommendations

As mail-in ballots begin to arrive, a reminder of the WSCC's positions on I-2117 repealing the Climate Commitment Act and I-2124 making long-term care contributions voluntary.

As Catholics, we each must make our own determinations regarding our votes based on prayerful, thoughtful consideration of the issues in light of our faith's social doctrine. Catholics may disagree on policy decisions, but we hope the linked materials are helpful in your discernment process.

Register for the WSCC Oct. 10 Webinar 

Political engagement for Catholics can be complicated. Neither major party fully represents our position on issues of the day, so how do we make voting decisions or share our stances on political questions? Join us for a discussion of Catholic social doctrine, conscience formation and political participation in anticipation of the November elections and 2025 legislative session. Interpretation into Spanish will be provided.

Watch our videos on the Political Process

In these last weeks before the election, review our quick video on politics, voting and the Catholic faith as you discern your votes! View Archbishop Etienne's discussion of the role of the common good in politics. Additional videos from the Washington state bishops will be posted through October. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to view our full range of advocacy and Catholic social doctrine videos.

Guidelines for Parishes and Agencies on Political Activity 

Parishes are encouraged to discuss public policy issues. However, the Church does not endorse candidates nor political parties. The WSCC strongly encourages advocacy, but some nuances may be confusing. As we are called to faithful citizenship, please consult the WSCC’s “Guidelines for Parishes and Agencies on Political Activity” to determine what activities may occur at your parish. The WSCC can be reached at to provide further guidance. 

Good News from Around the State:

Youth and Young Adults Sharing Faith

Top: Young adults in the Archdiocese of Seattle enjoy a hike and Mass together. Bottom left: Middle school campers from the Diocese of Spokane enjoy outdoor activities, faith formation and camaraderie. Bottom right: Students for Life and youth group members help feed the homeless at Lighthouse Ministries in the Diocese of Yakima.

Across Washington state, the Catholic Church is thriving among youth and young adults. We are thankful for the faithful witness of young Catholics and their joyful participation in acts of charity, justice and the Sacraments. Seeing the joy of the Gospel experienced through these events is a heartening reminder that God is good and at work within us!

Upcoming Events

October 22-30

Join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Respect Life Novena. This novena centers on the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention which is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.

October 27

Image from Inland Catholic

Join the Diocese of Spokane for the Walk for Life Northwest. The event begins at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes for Holy Mass for Life with Spokane Bishop, Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly, followed by the Walk for Life at Rotary Fountain in Riverfront Park. An information tent with local providers of life care and resources will open at 12:30 and the walk begins at 1:00 p.m. with Benediction at Rotary Fountain.

Parishes, schools and Catholic organizations are encouraged to bring banners, posters, family and friends! In this important time in our Church and our nation, please come and show your support for Life!

Let Us Pray

O Jesus, you came that we might have life—and have it in abundance. Together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, you form us in our mothers' wombs and call us to love you for all eternity.

As your most precious gift of human life is attacked, draw us ever closer to your Real Presence in the Eucharist. Dispel the darkness of the culture of death, for you are the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

By the power of your Eucharistic Presence, help us to defend the life of every human person at every stage. Transform our hearts to protect and cherish all whose lives are most vulnerable.

For you are God, forever and ever. Amen.

WSCC staff

We invite you to contact us at any time.

Jean Welch Hill, Executive Director                               

Tracey Wilson Yackley, Operations Manager

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You can also find the Washington State Catholic Conference on Facebook, Twitter @wacatholics, and Instagram.  

Click here to view previous WSCC bulletins on our website.