Action Alert 2.1.2024 - HB 2612
Action Alert
Attention Leaders:

Representative Kristy Williams and KPI are at it again. On Tuesday afternoon, HB 2612 was introduced. The bill states that if any school district doesn't follow the law, the school will lose accreditation.

The problem is our schools are doing their best to follow the law, but it will come down to KPI's interpretation of how you should follow the law or do your job. Let's not forget the legislature isn't currently following the law, as they underfund Special Education. They had to be sued for not following the law on funding public education and lost multiple times (Montoy and Gannon case).

Williams is only giving you 48 hours to have the testimony submitted; It must be submitted by 3:30 today (Thursday)! Again, one more game she is playing. She doesn't think you will take time to submit testimony!

We've given you some sample testimony you can submit, along with directions to submit your testimony to the committee chair. Please consider taking 20 minutes and submit written testimony!! We need this defeated in committee!

Please personalize the testimony with your name and background. You don't have to use your school or district; you are a professional educator. Remind the committee your job is hard enough, submit it for yourself!

Share with the committee that school accreditation is a function of the Kansas State Board of Education and that the focus should be on school and district support and the academic progress individual students are making, not the interpretation of a law that may or may not add value to the educational process.

We also need people to stand for ORAL testimony as well! The hearing is Monday, February 5th at 3:30 p.m. in Room 546-S.

1.Copy/paste the attached testimony template on your letterhead (if possible) and insert your name/testimony where instructed.  TESTIMONY TEMPLATE

2.Save as a PDF document titled "HB 2612 (Your name, opposed, "oral" or "written")" and attach in an email to with the subject line: "Testimony for HB 2612 (Your name, opposed, "oral" or "written")". 

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