Contact your Members of Congress today, encouraging their support for adult multilingual learners of English (MlEs) through the Adult Education WORKS Act (
S. 3075 and
H.R. 5987).
The Adult Education WORKS Act will:
- Increase the authorized funding for adult education by 2029 to $1.35 billion.
- Ensure that adult education providers are represented on workforce and other boards and are part of the workforce planning process.
- Support the professionalization of the adult education field by strengthening state policies, encouraging full-time staffing models, and expanding professional development opportunities and career pathways for adult educators.
- Incorporate digital and information literacy into adult education and workforce development programs.
- Provide support for college and career navigators at public libraries and community-based organizations.
- Strengthen coordination and leverage resources between adult education and workforce development programs.
- Expand the role of public libraries in the one-stop delivery system for workforce development.
- Encourage innovation though pilot projects to test new approaches to measuring performance and ensure WIOA performance metrics capture the full range of skills gains supported by adult education programs.
- Promote the provision of integrated education and training concurrently with other adult education activities and services.
Almost half of the adult education participants in WIOA funded programs are MLEs - strengthening and expanding these programs elevates MLEs and their families.
More information on the bill can be found here.