Next week, the House of Representatives resumes debate of the FY16 Interior Appropriations Bill which contains $146 million for the NEA's budget. The last time the Interior bill was debated on the House floor was 2011; your Representative voted against an amendment to decrease NEA funding.
As a member of the majority party, your Representative's vote was particularly important in 2011 and is needed again should any harmful amendments be introduced against the NEA. Please contact your Representative and ask for that same support next week!
How you can Take Action:
Representatives are back in their districts for the July 4th recess. If you get a chance to meet with your legislator, thank him/her for supporting the NEA in the past and ask him/her to preserve NEA funding in FY16. You can also click below to send a letter to your Representative. Include a personal message and share the NEA-supported work your organization is doing in your community.