Unions and trial attorneys introduced HB 2548, which creates a workforce standards board for agriculture. These special interests do not want to spend the time or money to unionize farm-by-farm, so they are proposing a “workforce standards board” to bargain our workforce at the sector level!
HB 2548 includes two provisions that effectively “unionize” farm work at the industry level:
Now, a -2 amendment has been introduced. This amendment is even worse! It stacks the Workforce Standards Board with OR-OSHA bureaucrats and plaintiffs' attorney groups to ensure that worker groups have the ability to establish their wish-list of regulations and wages. It allows workers to claim emotional damages for failure to comply with all the new requirements AND only allows prevailing plaintiffs to collect attorney fees. In short, there is no disincentive for frivolous litigation; this bill all but guarantees that outcome.
This legislation would make it so expensive and risky to employ people, that many farms would have no choice but to reduce their footprint in Oregon, layoff employees, or sell to the highest bidder.
What a nightmare!