Maryland lawmakers have introduced
House Bill 1554/
Senate Bill 1045, which would impose a 2.5% “business to business” tax on a wide range of services.
Lawmakers who support this new tax hope levying it on small businesses will help shore up a $3 billion deficit created by government overspending. Instead, it will increase the cost of doing business in Maryland. Small business needs like accounting, IT, photography, design, and repair are just some of the services they’ll now have to pay or even charge for. It’s a lose-lose for Maryland small businesses.
The Maryland House and Senate have scheduled hearings on these bills for this coming Wednesday, March 12! Please consider coming to Annapolis and join NFIB in sharing why this bill is bad for Maryland Small Business Owners! Contact NFIB Maryland State Director Mike O’Halloran or Grassroots Manager Julianna Rauf for more information on this opportunity.Business owners know better than lawmakers how to invest their earnings, but instead, they're faced with a massive increase in the cost of doing business in Maryland. Our state lawmakers can protect small businesses by stopping House Bill 1554 and Senate Bill 1045.
Take a moment today to let your lawmakers know your thoughts on HB 1554/SB1045 and ask them to vote NO on this bill when it is taken up for consideration.
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