Help Combat Significant Tax Hikes!

Tell your elected officials Maryland is expensive enough...

... and tax hikes are NOT the answer.

The Maryland General Assembly wants to make it even more expensive for you to run your business by increasing your taxes. These tax hikes will make the "Free State" even more expensive to own and operate a business in, negatively affecting you, your employees, your customers, your business, and your community.


Recently, the General Assembly introduced two bills (House Bills 352 & 1014) that would increase personal income, estate, and other taxes that affect the operations of small businesses across Maryland. What lawmakers fail to comprehend is that most small businesses file their taxes as pass-through entities, and are therefore treated as individuals. 

You know better than anyone that those earnings are not your salary. That money is used to invest back into your business so you can grow your local economy, raise your employees’ wages, and expand your business.

Please contact your elected officials TODAY asking them to oppose HB 352 & HB 1014!


Tell your elected officials what they need to hear about how increasing taxes will negatively affect your business. Share your story.

Your story shows lawmakers the impact increasing taxes has on real life. You want them to picture your business before they make any decisions. They are more likely to read, respond, and react to custom messages. Please use the available space to write a personalized message to your elected officials, sharing your business name, story, and location (city/town).

Thank you for taking action!

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