Tell Congress to Preserve Funding for Employee Retention Tax Credit Claims

Funding for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is at risk. One of several tax-related policies Congress is considering as part of the budget reconciliation process includes the elimination of the ERTC. It is unclear whether already-submitted claims could be impacted. 

Use this Action Alert to inform your representative and senators that you are still waiting for your Employee Retention Tax Credit claim to be paid and urge them to advocate against cutting these funds as budget deliberations continue. 

We encourage you to add a short paragraph at the end of the sample message (in the Message Body on the right) with the following details:

  • Your organization's name, including its nonprofit status, if applicable.
  • The communities you serve (e.g., cities where you provide services).
  • How many older adults you are serving.
  • The date you submitted your ERTC claim.
  • The amount of the ERTC claim payment you are waiting for.
  • The status of your ERTC claim, if you know it.
  • What these funds will be used for and their impact (i.e., whether they will fill a funding deficit that resulted from the pandemic, and how money that supports your organization helps it to serve older adults and families in your community).
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