We are pleased to support S.B. 63, introduced by Senator Clint Dixon and cosponsored by many others, and H.B. 546, introduced by Representative Noelle Kahaian and cosponsored by many others. Both bills will allow homeschool students to take these exams in their local public school, if so desired.
Please call and email your Georgia State Senator and Georgia State Representative today and ask them to support S.B. 63 and H.B. 546. Four states already have a law like this, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and North Carolina. Georgia would become the fifth state in the nation to eliminate discrimination against homeschool students who want to take these exams in their local public school.
Your message in support of S.B. 63 and H.B. 546 can be as simple as the following:
“As a homeschool parent, I ask that you support S.B. 63 and H.B. 546 to eliminate discrimination against homeschool students. This common-sense bill will allow homeschool students to take exams like the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and others in their local public school. Four states already have a similar law, and Georgia should become the fifth state to allow homeschoolers access to take these exams.”