Parents' Personality Disorders Driving Surge in Trans Kids: Psychiatrists

'Transhausen by Proxy' describes narcissistic parents who may push transgenderism because they enjoy the attention from having a 'trans kid.'

By Darlene McCormick Sanchez


Nov 17, 2023 Updated: Nov 17, 2023

Playing a role in the sudden rise of transgender children may be "transhausen by proxy," a term coined for narcissistic parents who push so-called "gender transitioning" on their children, some experts say.

Celebrities are increasingly in the limelight with announcements about their children who come out as transgender or nonbinary. Nonbinary individuals identify as neither male nor female.

"Transhausen by proxy" isn't an officially recognized psychological condition. It's a play on an official condition known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP). MSBP is a mental illness that's also sometimes called medical child abuse or factitious disorder imposed on others. It's exhibited mostly by women seeking attention by exaggerating or making up an illness of children or others in their care. 

Transhausen by proxy has very real effects on society, experts told The Epoch Times.

They point to headlines like the one on in May, which gushes: "15 Celebs Who Are Out & Proud of Their Trans & Nonbinary Kids." The article praises stars such as Cher, Sade, Jennifer Lopez, and Charlize Theron for supporting their children who reject their biological sex.

Another article by Pink News details how United Kingdom television stars Carrie and David Grant claim three of their four children are transgender or nonbinary.

Ms. Grant is a singer and voice coach. Her husband was part of the '80s band Linx and worked with groups such as the Spice Girls. The couple told the publication they had discussed alternate gender identities before their children "came out."

They're currently pitching their book, "A Very Modern Family," on the topic of "understanding queer and neurodivergent children."

But celebrities aren't the only ones heralding transgender and nonbinary children.

Parents routinely post on social media cheering their children's transition or advocating for "transgender rights." Some parents have been featured in news articles for fleeing red states that block transgender procedures for children and moving to blue states where "gender-affirming care" is allowed.

The increase in cases of gender dysphoria and families with multiple transgender children have led some medical and mental health professionals to suspect psychological illness, such as narcissistic personality disorder, is involved.

A Parent-Fueled Condition?

Dr. Erica Li is a pediatrician in Spokane, Washington, who considers herself an old-school liberal. She's not necessarily against gender transitioning. Early in her career, she considered becoming a pediatrician specializing in gender dysphoria.

However, she began to question why doctors were advocating for medical procedures to transition children without solid scientific evidence that the procedures came with an overwhelming benefit for their young patients, she told The Epoch Times.

If the cause of gender dysphoria is unknown in a patient and the prognosis of treatment is uncertain, then radical treatment with morbid side effects isn't justified, she said.

Dr. Li believes contemporary gender medicine is no longer based on reality. Now, she said, it's more about ideology. And the outcomes and long-term side effects of treating gender dysphoria are "murky."





‘One Million Moms’ to Boycott Macy’s for Transgendered Thanksgiving Parade.

One Million Moms is petitioning against the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for turning the event into a “non-binary and transgender extravaganza”.

The petition, which had gathered over 32,000 signatures at the time of publication, complains the parade is no longer family-friendly, with performers including the likes of non-binary cross-dresser Alex Newell.

“It is clear that Macy’s does not have our children’s best interests in mind,” One Million Moms states, adding that the corporation “needs to know that trust must be earned, and once trust is lost, it is difficult to get back.”

The statement petitioners are putting their name to explains they “do not agree with the LGBTQ agenda [Macy’s] are pushing on families,” and that “[s]ince this event goes against our beliefs and values, Macy’s has left conservative and Christian families with no choice but to avoid the parade and its store” during the holiday season.


New Children’s Book Claims Men Can Get Pregnant


November 14, 2023

New insane children’s book just dropped. It’s called “In My Daddy’s Belly,” and it teaches young kids that men can get pregnant and give birth.

The book was written by Logan Brown, a woman who identifies as a man and was recently featured on the cover of Glamour UK for a story about transgender pregnancy.

The reviews for this book are hilarious by the way. The book only has one-star reviews on Amazon because no one wants to buy their kid a book filled with medical misinformation.





Oh, let's remember this effort in prayer, as these folks present Christ to these 'seekers'.

It's a 'Miracle': Muslim Men in Gaza Seek Christ After Over 200 Dream of Jesus on Same Night - Report

By Ole Braatelien, The Western Journal
Published November 18, 2023 at 10:35am

More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams, said Christian professor Michael Licona.

Licona teaches New Testament studies at Houston Christian University and has also written a number of books, including “The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus” and “Paul Meets Muhammad.”

In a recent Facebook post, Licona said he received a report from “underground Christian ministries” in the Middle East that detailed the miraculous conversions.

He then quoted the report from the ministries.

“Over the past two days, we have ministered to hundreds of fathers who have lost most, if not all, of their children in the war. As we moved these men to safety, we fed them, washed their clothes, and began to read the Bible to them — sharing the way of peace through Jesus.

“Then, a big miracle happened. Last night, Jesus appeared to more than 200 of them in their dreams! They have come back to us to learn more from God’s Word and are asking how to follow Jesus,” the report said.