NEW! Oppose the Countering CCP Drones Act Campaign (Social Media and Calls)
The United States Senate is currently considering the Countering CCP Drones Act (S.4792) which would prevent new DJI products from coming to market in the United States and would potentially revoke FCC authorizations for existing drones. You read that right: this bill aims to prevent you from buying the latest DJI drones and could potentially ground your existing drones, regardless of how you use them!

Unfortunately, this bad idea is gaining traction. The House of Representatives included the Countering CCP Drones Act in their draft of the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, and a companion bill was recently introduced in the Senate. To protect our industry and ensure that drone users can select the best drones for the job, we need to vocally oppose this bill. The good news is that there is still time to speak out and tell your lawmakers to oppose this potentially industry-crippling bill, but please don’t delay. 

In just a few minutes, you can ensure your voice is heard by using this new campaign to send pre-filled, fully customizable tweets directly to your Senators. Additionally, the campaign makes it easy for you to really make your point by allowing you to call your Senators to oppose this bill using the provided talking points, or better yet, tell them how this bill would impact you personally. All you have to do is click the call tab and follow the prompts. It only takes a few minutes but can make a real difference. Using social media and phone calls are proven grassroots tactics that generate results, so please, take action to oppose the Countering CCP Drones Act today! 

Put bluntly, this bill would have a massive negative impact on millions of Americans who use drones for public safety, commercially and recreationally. It would hamper public safety efforts, put lives on the line, and drastically reduce the drone market, leading to rising costs and product shortages for all users. 

If you want to continue to have affordable drone options to support your public safety efforts, small business or your hobby, then you need to make your voices heard TODAY and tell your Senator to oppose this misguided bill! We’ve provided sample tweets for you to send, but we encourage you customize it with your own reasons for why you oppose this bill and include the #NoDroneBan. For example, if you’re a service provider using DJI drones, tell them how you would be impacted if you could not use your drones.

Please use a personal X (formerly Twitter) account and not a government, agency, or municipal account, as those are not appropriate for advocacy communications. After you’ve sent your tweet, you can use the social media sharing option to share the campaign with your followers and double your impact!

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