Delaware’s Senate Bill 5 will codify abortion in the Delaware Constitution
Senate Bill 5 is an act proposing an amendment to Article 1 of the Delaware Constitution to make “reproductive freedom” - that is abortion - a protected constitutional right and will make it difficult for future legislation to restrict, in any way, the killing of unborn babies in the First State.

According to the legislation, “this Act is the first leg of an amendment to the Delaware Constitution to ensure that every Delawarean is afforded reproductive freedom. Amending the Delaware Constitution requires not only the passing of the changes in this Act, but also passage of the same changes after the next general election by the next General Assembly. This Act requires a greater than majority vote for passage because § 1 of Article XVI of the Delaware Constitution requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly to amend the Delaware Constitution.”

As pro-life Catholics, we are called to oppose any legislation that would make it difficult to restrict the killing of innocent unborn babies. SB 5 will further Delaware’s culture of death! Rights are given to us by our creator and government should never blockade those rights, especially the right to life. 

Please call or write to your legislators and let them know that Senate Bill 5 is not in the best interest of Delaware’s most vulnerable citizens. 

Find your legislator here, or click the link below to send a customizable email to your legislator. 

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