Take Action: Ask Utah Leaders to Save Moe's Valley
Make your voice heard and send a letter to the Utah State Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) urging them to delay selling the Greater Moe’s Valley to housing developers. SITLA recently announced plans to develop the Greater Moe’s Valley Area. These lands, which encompass 3,341 acres of Mojave Desert habitat, are home to miles of hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trails enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. Iconic rock-climbing sites like Moe's Valley and Green Valley Gap, as well as popular trails like the Bearclaw Poppy Trail, Zen Trail, and Stucki Springs, are essential to the outdoor lifestyle and economy of Washington County. The Greater Moe’s Valley Area is also a critical habitat for the Mojave Desert tortoise, a threatened species, and several rare and endangered plant species, including the iconic dwarf bear poppy. This is our opportunity to safeguard Moe’s Valley for the benefit of our community and future generations.
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