Gov. Greg Abbott made vouchers the centerpiece of his 2023 priorities, holding public education funding hostage and declaring he would not sign funding or teacher pay bills until a voucher was passed. After the session ended without vouchers passed, Abbott spent the election season targeting education-friendly Republicans and endorsing candidates who supported his voucher initiative. Abbott intends to once again make vouchers an emergency item, and the Texas Senate is already moving voucher legislation.
ATPE urges the Legislature to consider the substantial pitfalls of creating a taxpayer-funded entitlement for private schools, including the experiences of other states where vouchers have proven to be costly and, in some cases, budget-busting programs unpopular with voters. A Texas voucher entitlement could easily amount to over $7 billion annually. Any voucher should be considered as standalone legislation and not be tied to public school funding or teacher compensation. The Legislature should prioritize funding for traditional school districts, the state’s educational safety net, now and into the future, over private educational pathways.