Welcome Members of the 119th Congress
Dear AACN Advocate:
The 119th Congress has officially convened and provides renewed opportunities to create and strengthen relationships with federal policymakers. It is imperative that your U.S. Representative and Senators hear directly from you, their constituent, especially as this may be the first time they are learning about the needs of academic nursing.

As an AACN Advocate, we encourage you to send a message to your federal elected officials today welcoming them to the 119th Congress and sharing with them our top priorities, including:

  • Increasing investments for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs, which have positively impacted the profession’s ability to serve patients by addressing all aspects of nursing workforce demand, including education, practice, recruitment, and retention. 
  • Supporting nursing education, particularly at the baccalaureate, graduate, and post-graduate levels, including maintaining programs like Pell Grants and GRAD Plus, in order for nurses – the largest segment of the healthcare workforce – to meet ongoing healthcare demands.
  • Retaining the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) as an independent Institute within NIH, and protecting funding for NINR so nurse scientists can continue to make groundbreaking and lifesaving discoveries that inform nursing practice and education.
  • Joining the bipartisan Nursing Caucus as an opportunity to advance healthcare and higher education through the nursing lens.

Thank you for making your voice heard and we look forward to working with you in the 119th Congress!

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