Ask Your Senators to Support Title VIII and NINR Funding in FY 2025
Dear AACN Advocate:

In March, AACN was pleased to see the passage of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget, which included $305.472 million for the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development programs, a $5 million increase over the previous year as well as sustained funding of $197.693 million for the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).

Congress is working now to determine FY 2025 funding levels. On July 11, the House Appropriations Committee advanced its FY 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS-ED) spending bill, which proposes steep cuts and consolidation of our top funding priorities. If the House bill became law in its present form, it would reduce funding for Title VIII programs by $18.343 million and would merge NINR, along with four other Institutes and Centers, into a new National Institute on Health Sciences Research.

As the Senate Appropriations Committee considers its FY 2025 appropriations bills, it is imperative that your Senators hear from you to ensure elevated funding for these vital programs. Please send messages to your Senators encouraging them to support at least $530 million for Title VIII programs and at least $210 million for NINR in FY 2025!

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