
Action Center

The Unseen Power of Your Vote: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Policy
September 3, 2024 by Megan Boyd

Healthcare leaders are acutely aware of how policies influence their work, yet the process behind these decisions is often less visible. Election outcomes are crucial, as they determine who will make decisions on essential healthcare issues, such as the Medicare physician fee schedule (MPFS) and funding for physician training programs. Voting is a direct way to influence the outcomes of these issues. By voting, you can help elect representatives who understand the intricacies of healthcare and can advocate for necessary reforms. Every vote contributes to shaping a healthcare system that supports both physicians and patients.  

Recent legislative actions highlight the impact elected officials have on healthcare. For example, in March 2024, Congress passed a minibus healthcare package that reduced the cuts to the MPFS – a decision that impacts physicians’ ability to sustain their practices and provide high quality care to their patients. In fact, since 2001, Medicare physician payments have declined by 29 percent when adjusted for inflation, which highlights the desperate need to fix the payment system. Proposed bills like the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act (HR 2474) and the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023 (HR 2389) aim to address critical issues such as inadequate Medicare reimbursement and the looming physician shortage. Voting down the ballot is crucial to ensuring the future of healthcare policy reflects the needs of the industry. 

Ultimately, voting is not just a civic responsibility; it is a strategic action for healthcare leaders who want to influence policy. The individuals elected will shape the direction of healthcare, making decisions that impact every aspect of medical practice. By voting, healthcare leaders ensure that their voices are heard and that the policies developed will support a robust healthcare system. In this critical time, every vote matters in securing the future of healthcare. 

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