In today’s complex healthcare landscape, surprise medical bills are a harsh reality – even for those entrenched in the healthcare industry. Recently, Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, the former Surgeon General of the United States, shared his experience with a surprise medical bill while traveling. His story serves as an important reality check of the financial burdens that many Americans face when seeking essential health care.
A major driver behind this pressing issue is the lack of transparency in healthcare pricing. Despite the intent of the No Surprises Act (NSA) to limit out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network care, its implementation has been laced with challenges, leaving patients across the country still burdened with large expenses.
Unfortunately, the combination of factors like the implementation of the NSA and the proliferation of high deductible health plans (HDHP) has increased the financial burden for many Americans. It is evident that systemic reforms are needed to alleviate the burden of surprise medical bills. Everyone should be able to access healthcare without fear of bankruptcy or severe financial stress.