
Action Center

More States Expand Breast Imaging Coverage
June 6, 2024 by Megan Boyd

As the second leading cause of death in the United States for women, breast cancer requires our urgent attention. Women undergoing breast cancer screenings and diagnostic procedures should not have to fear the burden of exorbitant medical bills due to lack of insurance coverage. To help combat this issue, New Hampshire, Louisiana, and Iowa have recently passed legislation to enhance breast imaging coverage. With new laws in these states, now about half of the states in the country have laws requiring private insurance payers to cover supplemental services for breast imaging.  

New Hampshire’s new law eliminates out-of-pocket costs for necessary diagnostic and supplemental imaging, ensuring better care for women with dense breasts or other risk factors. Similarly, Louisiana’s law extends no-cost coverage for supplemental imaging, vital for high-risk individuals. The new Iowa law mandates coverage for breast MRIs, ultrasounds, and diagnostic mammograms, which will be effective next year.  

These state laws aim to remove financial barriers and ensure equitable access to essential care. Other states are considering similar bills, and a federal bill is pending, known as the Find It Early Act. This legislation would require all payers to cover supplemental breast imaging services beyond screening mammograms, with no out-of-pocket costs for patients.  

Take action today by sending a message to your members of Congress in support of The Find It Early Act! All women deserve access to life-saving care! 

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