In 2023, Texas federal courts made several rulings to ensure that all guidelines surrounding the No Suprises Act (NSA) - Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) process were to be carried out as directed by the law. The advocacy of the Texas Medical Association (TMA), ZPAC, EDPMA, ACEP, and voters, has been instrumental in ensuring that the NSA is implemented fairly and justly. (You can listen to our Zotec Answers podcast episodes on TMA Litigation III and TMA Litigation IV for more information.)
Voting remains the most powerful civic action a U.S. citizen can take to make their voice heard. Check your voter registration status, review who is on your ballot, find your polling place.
Texans represent the largest group of ZPAC Advocates and with primary elections quickly approaching, it is crucial that all Texans vote. Take action and vote on March 5, 2024!