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Life-Saving Breast Cancer Bill for Hoosiers
January 26, 2024 by Megan Boyd

On Monday, January 22, 2024, the Indiana House of Representatives voted to pass Indiana House Bill (HB) 1058 for breast cancer screening and related services. This bill moves onto the Indiana Senate next, where it is sponsored by Senator Jean Leising. Should HB 1058 pass the Senate, the new law would go into effective on July 1, 2024.   

HB 1058 requires insurance coverage for breast cancer rehabilitative services and reconstructive surgery secondary to a mastectomy. This bill also has requirements for facilities providing mammography examinations. To see other requirements, click here. 

This bill requires increased insurance coverage for procedures related to breast cancer outside of traditional treatment plans. Additionally, the focus on using specified classifications for breast density will provide universal language across a patient’s care team, increasing the quality of patient care. Finally, this bill requires a written notice to be supplied to the patient and the referring provider regarding the results of the mammography examination in the specified classifications. Not only does this bill increase insurance coverage, but it also mandates the use of clear, universal language when conveying diagnoses to patients and other involved providers. 

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