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Restoring The Integrity of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act
The Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act requires the Secretary of Labor and Industry to determine the prevailing wage rate for public works construction projects. However, some contractors circumvent the law by paying "split rates."  A split rate occurs when the same worker is paid two different rates for the same job on the same day.  Another common way to circumvent the law is for contractors to fabricate custom components for the project off-site where the prevailing wage law does not apply.  Contractors do this to gain a competitive edge by underpaying workers, which lowers their bids on public construction projects that are awarded to the lowest bidder.


House Bill 2153 and Senate Bill 841 amend the PA Prevailing Wage Act by correcting both of these problems. If enacted, custom fabrication work will be covered under the law and split rates will be prohibited.  

Please utilize this site to reach out to your local legislators and ask them to support SB 841 and HB 2153.

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