
Action Center

Tell Your State Lawmakers West Virginia Needs Care Not Cuts!

Already this year, communities across West Virginia have seen child care centers close, facilities supporting our disabled neighbors shutter their doors, schools experiencing teacher shortages, and multiple communities struggle to get prompt ambulance service during medical emergencies--sometimes leading to tragic consequences. 

Despite the clear need for investment in our communities, Governor Justice has called on lawmakers to double down on tax cuts that are overwhelmingly skewed to the wealthiest households. West Virginia has been here before. It never goes well!

When then Governor Joe Manchin left for the United States Senate, he did so not long after sweeping cuts to the corporate net income tax and phased out elimination of the state business franchise tax. This soon translated into hundreds of millions of dollars in budget deficits that Governor Justice later inherited, leading to massive increases in tuition and fees for state colleges and universities, and ultimately, five years worth of flat budgets that have left public services cut to the bone and in some cases, simply non-existent. 

Now, West Virginia once again has a governor with his eyes on a U.S. Senate seat trying to do the same thing. Tell your lawmakers that Governor Justice’s plan to leave them a huge mess to clean up via cuts to our communities is unacceptable and that you expect them to VOTE NO on any bill that further cuts the state’s personal income tax and instead invest in public services that help all families and businesses thrive. 

The governor's proposed tax cut would slash $114 million in revenue that could #solvechildcare, rather than giving West Virginia households just $1 per week on average. 

Join the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy and West Virginia NOW in urging our lawmakers to invest in Care not Cuts!


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