
Action Center

WBA Advocacy
May 18, 2023 by Megan Managan

Advocacy is one of the primary missions of the Washington Bankers Association. Effective advocacy is a year-round process, and its success relies upon our member bankers' participation. For more than a century, we have worked to ensure Washington's banks can meet the needs of all of Washington's citizens. Over 100 years later, that passion has not dimmed. The WBA's primary purpose is to support and advance the banking industry in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. 

WBA's advocacy efforts include the following:

  • Educating lawmakers on the impact of the banking industry in Washington state and engaging lawmakers and policymakers in a dialogue on behalf of the industry
  • Serving as a resource for how banking in Washington impacts the state’s economy and removing barriers between businesses and customers relating to state and national banking issues
  • Supporting bipartisan policies and lawmakers committed to sustainable economic development for all of the state'sstate's citizens.
  • Providing accessible guidelines for setting up meetings and providing talking points to members and constituents 

We accomplish our goals through a variety of activities related to advocacy. These include:

  • WashBank PAC: The WashBank PAC is a bi-partisan and voluntary political action committee open to Washington bankers and friends of the banking community. BankPAC was organized to encourage members of the banking profession to take a more active and organized role in government. WashBank PAC gives bankers a meaningful avenue to participate in financially supporting political candidates who understand the needs and interests of the banking industry. BankPAC also provides an effective way for members to become politically involved at both the state and national levels. Representation on this scale is essential to establish and maintain the best environment for banking in Washington. Click the button for more information and the donation form.
  • Legislative Ambassador Program: Our elected officials like to hear from their constituents. You can make a difference in our industry by becoming a WBA Legislative Ambassador. Perhaps you have already established relationships with elected officials? Maybe this is an area of interest for you. Whatever your reason, if you're willing to act when needed, we would like to hear from you. Becoming a Legislative Ambassador, you help the WBA intensify its efforts to develop, maintain and build personal relationships between bankers and their state and federal lawmakers while creating an effective communications link to ensure that Washington bankers are heard in Olympia and Washington D.C.
  • Legislative Roundtables: Each fall, the WBA hosts luncheons with legislators across the state. This is an opportunity for bankers to meet with their hometown representatives and share information about the industry. These events are typically held throughout September and October at locations around the state. For more information on scheduling and how to attend, contact Megan Managan at megan@wabankers.com or call (206) 344-3472.
  • Bankers Day on the Hill: Join us early in the year for the next Bankers Day on the Hill in Olympia. We invite bankers from across Washington to come to the state capitol, learn about recent events, and then meet with your local representative. It's a wonderful chance to see legislation and cultivate a personal relationship with your lawmakers.
  • PNW Capitol Hill Visit: In the fall, WBA, along with the Oregon and Idaho Bankers Association, visit Washington, D.C., to meet with our Congressional representatives. Over several days, bankers see D.C. regulatory agencies, learn about current issues and meet with lawmakers.
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