
Action Center

Vibrant Emotional Health’s Public Policy Contributions Now Available Online
November 19, 2024 by Katie Keys, Public Policy & Government Affairs, Vibrant Emotional Health

Vibrant Emotional Health (Vibrant) has commented on various issues, from the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988 Lifeline) to mental health parity. These comments have significantly influenced the public policy landscape. As the Public Policy & Government Affairs (PPGA) department has grown, we are excited to announce that you can now find all of Vibrant’s past public comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), correspondence with federal agencies, and sign-on letters led by Vibrant and other mental health organizations on Vibrant’s Public Policy & Government Affairs website on the Federal Resources page. 

The first section includes the public comments Vibrant has filed in response to proposed rulemaking, primarily around georouting, a mechanism that allows calls to the 988 Lifeline to be connected to a call center closest to the caller. This section also includes ex parte presentations, which are official disclosures of topics discussed with FCC staff and responses to issues regarding the 988 Lifeline. 

The second section includes letters to federal agencies on a wide range of issues related to mental health, from updates to federal guidance on grants to feedback on requests for information. The federal agencies include the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 

The final section includes the letters Vibrant has either led or signed onto over the last two years. These sign-on letter topics include the 988 Lifeline, funding for mental health programs, issues related to improving the crisis continuum, mental health awareness efforts, and mental health parity. 

Please click here to access these important materials and stay informed about our public policy contributions. 

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